20200831 Monday got away from me ... days aren't always easy to fit everything in. You do your best and do better tomorrow. 20200830 Hello and happy Sunday! Are you rested? Did you eat well? Exercise? Being in shape and caring for yourself are radical acts. The next few years are going to be challenging.. Stay healthy and stay informed. You are needed! 20200829 Hello and happy Saturday! I hope your weekend's going more. There is a more news about the Amazon burning. You'll find a new link below in the Amazon section (search for that and in the future you can always use the Searth+Info page to find out about more updates). Stay tuned for a little movie about how making yourself happier, healthier, and wealthier has far-ranging positive effects, not just for you, but for all of mankind.
THESE ARE THE GOOD OLD DAYS It’s difficult to believe that our current situation with Covid, wildfires, hurricanes, and soon to be even darker winter storms in some places with much more moderate winters in others, that these are the good old days. We just beginning to see the compounding negative feedback loops because we haven’t been paying attention as closely as we could have. And now we are learning just how much the world can grow less hospitable. How much we take for granted. It makes us appreciate a calm earth even more when we get to see it, however socially distanced we are from whoever shares our view. Take heart. We can reverse it. It’s simple math and a simple refocus of attention, but the window is getting smaller. The simple truth is if we start now it’ll never be cheaper or easier. Why? Because these are the good old days. 20200827 DIFFERENT PERSPECTIVES ON CLIMATE CHANGE Just as there are people who don’t believe in climate change, there are also people who believe we are burning this planet to a crisp and will have an issue of sterilizing the planet at our current rate of carbon emissions. Below is a podcast from a man who was involved with the movie Planet of the Humans put out by Michael Moore and his interviewee, who knows a lot about what we’ve studied with regard to global warming but has a bit more of a nihilist view. It can be daunting to sort through facts about climate change. The man who believes the earth to be on the path to fry to a crisp is a learned guy who comes across strongly. Further below are links to counter points as well as a shot of the view from the deck yesterday. The air cleared and stay cleared—a drastic change from yesterday. I celebrated with chocolate cake from the grocery store. I should have taken a picture of that beauty, but alas it was gone before I thought of that. We’re beyond tipping point podcast: https://greenrootpodcast.podbean.com/e/has-the-climate-crisis-passed-the-point-of-no-return-with-kevin-hester/ Nick Seigal, fellow researcher, got involved in an online dialogue with the interviewee and here’s a synopsis. Nick’s Rebuttal - Earth’s been hotter before and had more carbon in the atmosphere https://www.climate.gov/news-features/climate-qa/whats-hottest-earths-ever-been Kevin’s Counter rebuttal NOAA is a government source and therefore unreliable because of the close connection between corporations and government. Response from Nick “NOAA is just the source of the article. This is widespread scientific knowledge. The key study was performed by scientists at the Smithsonian, but, as the article says, "geologists and paleontologists have found that, in the last 100 million years, global temperatures have peaked twice." This is data collected and corroborated by numerous sources in multiple disciplines. “I'm sorry, but I'm as skeptical of your skepticism here as I would be of an anthropogenic climate change denialist's skepticism about the scientific consensus. That doesn't mean I'm dismissing your position, just not seeing convincing evidence for it yet. “I recently read a study that found that a level of 10,000 ppm CO2e would be needed to cause a runaway greenhouse effect, a la Venus. It seems like that is what it would take to sterilize the planet and I'd like to see evidence or research supporting why you think we will get to 10K ppm or why you think it won't require 10K ppm. As I understand it, life on this planet has survived 7,000 ppm before (not the forms of life we see today, of course). I can provide citations for the above if desired.” So, you see, even well informed people on the same side for all practical purposes—making personal changes to have minimal impact on the Earth and taking assertive steps like activism and planting trees and donating to sequester carbon and for human dignity—are working out the details and looking to still learn from each other. This is how we move forward—keep engaged, keep sharing what you know, keep pressing for deeper understanding, and don’t be afraid to get into tough conversations. Have a great day everyone. 2020826
THIS COULD BE A GROUP PROJECT See link below about planting pocket forests of natives that may be one hack for global warming. Do you see this stuff on social media and you wonder, “Is it legit?” I do ... so I’ll be looking into this and getting back to you. But it sounds like a lovely idea, very little work, and a great yield not only for the earth but also in building community. It’s an outdoor activity so we can do it during this horrendous pandemic. And not only is giving good for your brain chemistry, so is digging in the earth. There’s actually a bacteria that causes us to have surges in serotonin. Pretty awesome. Anyway if you know anything about this and wanna share with me I’d love to hear from you, otherwise I’ll be getting back to you as soon as I can about this, hopefully, lovely idea. 20200824 https://www.facebook.com/1283803401/posts/10224139502296990/?extid=NO684PdRURcQ2O5M&d=n
AMAZON BURNING—SUMMARY PAPER (last updated 8/21) The Amazon continues to be be burned by ranchers to grow cattle to export, mostly to China. Living in the U.S., we can still do something. You can donate to groups to preserve acres of pristine forest. Two are on this site at this page (Rainforest Action Network and World Land Trust). Do an internet search on your financial institution (think bank accounts and credit cards) with "[Financial Institution] Amazon Beef." You can also search out your retailers to find out more. If they support Amazon beef, stop supporting them. But if you cannot avoid them, then donate even more to Own the stuff you buy. If you're into leather, even if it's made in Italy, the hide can be imported to Italy from the Amazon. Either skip leather or make sure your hides aren't raised in the Amazon. Amazon Assholes Whoops! Did I write that? Do you think it's too vulgar? Any worse than photos of burned forests? They're burning at the rate of on football pitch a minute. That's the real vulgarity. Plus, I'm a huge fan of alliteration. Going one step deeper, though, why would ranchers think burning is a good idea? What drives them to see only profit for the immediate and not realize they have a global treasure that is needed for life on earth? The ax they grind is about prosperity for them and not being told what they can do with local lands. Like all of mankind that has wandered from being in sync with the earth, they feel like they deserve "prosperity" and have yet to see much of what modern culture considers the trappings. Developed countries have exported a warped sense of wealth that has immediate allure on a superficial level, yet is inherently flawed. Not having a lifestyle that is in sync with a healthy earth is anxiety causing due to our innate wiring. We suffer endlessly with micro-to-macro cognitive dissonance. We know we're out of sync and we don't know how to extricate ourselves, until now, with, IMHO, Own It Economics. So while boycotting the below listed companies is certainly warranted, you can go beyond to ask yourself, what ways do you lean on the earth more than you give back. How much do you want to reign it in a bit, and then donate to causes to bring your Own It footprint (carbon, plastic, and people) so low that the earth is in a better place because you existed. Because you Own It, you make the air and oceans cleaner and people more prosperous in genuine wealth with clean air, waters, and health. Banks [1, 3] Blackrock BNP Credit Suisse Deutsche Bank HSBC JPMorgan Chase Santander Retailers/Restaurants [2, 3] Costco Leclerc McDonald’s Stop & Shop Sysco (ask your favorite eatery where they get their beef) Walmart/Asda Meat and Feed Dealers [2, 3] Cargill JBS Marfrig-Beef [1]See paper: MONEY TO BURN How iconic banks and investors fund the destruction of the world’s largest rainforests by Global Witness an NGO (Global Witness is an international NGO established in 1993 that works to break the links between natural resource exploitation, conflict, poverty, corruption, and human rights abuses worldwide. The organization has offices in London and Washington, D.C.: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1raLNJXISGi2IOfpkKeP4u-TentZOFCWL/view Even if your bank isn't listed, do an internet search to make sure you don't find anything. [2] https://stories.mightyearth.org/amazonfires/index.html Mighty Earth is a fiscally sponsored project of the Center for International Policy, a 501(c)3 non-profit organization. [3] https://amazonwatch.org/news/2019/0830-dirty-dozen-companies-driving-deforestation-must-act-now-to-stop-the-burning 20200829 Update: https://apnews.com/0ed3562a94f5b20b561adbbd11b20731?utm_source=piano&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=morningwire&pnespid=gLJzrv5TX1KN9i4omBNcydNoMU9xLgqUg3riNqcz
Credit Card Companies and Financial Institutions to Avoid Large European institutions like Deutsche Bank, HSBC, Santander and Credit Suisse, per https://news.mongabay.com/2020/08/all-talk-no-walk-green-financiers-still-support-amazon-beef-industry/#:~:text=One%20such%20sector%20is%20the,19%25%20of%20Brazil's%20CO2%20emissions. How US Consumers Are Unwittingly Contributing To Deforestation In The AmazonSomeone gets Owning It, “The consumers are part of the problem because of course if the consumer decides not to consume any of this, there would be no supply.” https://www.buzzfeednews.com/article/skbaer/amazon-fires-us-consumers-beef-leather-deforestation
Meet the ranchers who burn the Amazon for cattle. They want prosperity and see the land as theirs. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TcJUSMiKQyY Who is buying Amazon beef? https://www.washingtonpost.com/business/2019/08/27/how-beef-demand-is-accelerating-amazons-deforestation-climate-peril/
Spoiler alert: you are or you wouldn't be here.
You could just read and be inspired by the idea of Own It Economics., which is outlined here, but when will you actually be pressed to act? Can I get you there through fear? Global warming is bad, we are in the middle of a mass extinction not seen since the dinosaurs disappeared and we have nature now emitting greenhouse gases in conjunction with manmade. If we don't act now, we'll never make it. Coral is expected to die off by 2050, which means ocean life dies off because coral support fish, which supports the rest of ocean life, and humans are slotted for 2100. Go ahead, search the net and look for robust articles from science. It's all there so I won't bore you here. Can I get you there through encouragement? The numbers of Own It don't lie. We can reverse global warming if we start now, and it can be achieved in as soon as 30 years. You can look all over this site for that info. If you're an spreadsheet type of person, you can view our calculations here. Can I get you there with promises of abundance? It is scientifically proven that the Own It plan increases your happiness, health, and wealth. In fact, there's a simple 2 minute-plus video outlining it all on each of those pages on this site. It's a solid life upgrade on all levels, or I wouldn't have dedicated my life to sharing it. Believe me, it'd be way easier for me to just go to work and not bother with getting the word out. So with all that's available to you, what is it going to take? What is holding you back from all the good this can do? If you need a little push, here's an article I wrote a few years ago. I wanted to call it "Getting a Case of the Fuckits" but it was retitled by the editor. Go figure. Friends have used the tools to make important decisions in their lives, and, if I may say so, being a participant in reversing global warming is the biggest decision you can make. Hope you'll join us. |
From BethWhen you commit to leaving the world better than you found it, lots can happen. You are poised to be part of the generation that makes the world healthier and more vibrant than it would have been had you not be be born — in every area that you touch: the sky, the oceans, other people. It's possible to reverse global warming in as little as 30 years. It all starts seeing and enjoying your abundance. Then you employ simple hacks to rid your mind of cognitive dissonance. Some say too many people on the earth is not healthy. Actually, the numbers say differently. You are reading this now, which means you have the wiggle room in your daily life to take in new information and to act on it, everyday, even if subtly. Know that when you stack a bunch of little subtle things on top of each other for years, you get huge impact. This is a place that celebrates all that you do. Archives
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