You've heard of sustainable ... how about thriveable?
This course is offered to individuals or companies who want to provide it to employees. In this course you'll take what you're already doing to the next level. You'll discover new ways to shrinking your footprints and negating the rest while you get happier, healthier, and wealthier. We meet one hour a week on Mondays for eight weeks. Next one starts in August. Sign up now or read below for more info and sign up later. Cost is $500 for eight weeks, but you'll earn that back in no time with the money-saving, smart shopping techniques that are just part of the materials (that's in week 2). WEEKLY OUTLINE
1. Calculations and Goal Setting Find out your footprints in carbon, plastics, and slavery and how to leave footprints that net out to help the planet. Class ends with setting some goals to shrink the footprints you want to and start erasing what's left over immediately. We'll check in weekly to inspire you to reach your goals. 2. Savor Shopping Techniques Techniques for shopping to make sure you buy the best, least expensive, and most convenient food, clothing, cleaning supplies, you name it. One student saved $250 in this week alone. Others have saved $30 to $100, easily, per week. 3. Clothing College Learn how your clothes get made and which fabrics/materials are the best for your health and that will last the longest. You'll learn how to nearly wipe out leaching plastic fibers into oceans when you do laundry. We'll also go over some shopping tips and tricks to buy quality clothing at a fraction of the cost. 4. Electronics Education Find out how your phone is made, or your car, or your stereo. See how to buy electronics that last and how to recycle your electronics when you're done. 5. Vet the Offsets Feel confident that your money is going towards great causes. You'll learn tried and true methods to find quality organizations that do fantastic work. 6. Water, Wonderful Water Discover ways to make your life more serene while optimizing water usage for the bathroom, kitchen, and garden. Great for areas of drought, but applies to people from all regions of the planet because of the calming effects. 7. Food on the Cheap, Healthy, and Fast Find out how to make nearly instant meals for your jammed lifestyle. It is possible to eat organic and with less time spent than going out to lunch. Recipes included. 8. Beyond this Class. Home in on techniques to keep you on track. You'll be invited to a WhatsApp chat with others who have gone through this workshop. THE NUANCES OF OTHER LEARNINGS IN THIS EIGHT WEEK COURSE
The miraculous thing that Own It Economics has done is to show the world how to escape the horns of the dilemma of progress versus planet. Beth has shown us that living the good life is living the life of goodness. The amazing mindset reset that she teaches has already changed my life. I feel a reawakening of hope in the face of despair, a reawakening of the confidence, even, that we can and will work together to fix what ails us — and have fun doing it! |
I was amazed to find how many times I purchased things that I didn’t need. The “Savor the Wait” technique was a turning point for me. Becoming aware of how our goods are made was also an eye opening process. Calculating my own personal carbon footprint has helped me understand I have a responsibility to offset my consumption. Making informed choices, donating to charities, and reducing my carbon footprint have now become a daily part of my life. This course should be required of every human being on the planet!! |
Own It Economics offers a powerful and hopeful alternative to the "learned helplessness" many of us feel when faced with seemingly insurmountable threats to the health of our planet. Beth taps into the deep human need for connection and to make a real difference. Her methods are a completely original scheme that invites each one of us to be fully engaged in healing the world and to live with integrity while becoming happier and more fulfilled. |